How Long Can I Let A 1-year-old Cry It Out?

Sometimes as a parent, it can be hard to know when to step in and comfort your crying 1-year-old and when to let them cry it out. Finding a balance between teaching self-soothing skills and being nurturing can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore the benefits of allowing your child to cry it out for short periods of time and offer tips on when it may be time to step in and provide comfort. Remember, every child is different, so trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your little one. How long can I let a 1-year-old cry it out?

Have you found yourself in the challenging situation of deciding how long you can let your 1-year-old cry it out? It can be tough to know when to intervene and when to allow your little one to self-soothe. In this article, we will explore this topic in depth and provide you with some guidance on how to approach this situation in the most caring and effective way possible.

Understanding the Cry It Out Method

The “cry it out” method, also known as “extinction,” involves allowing your child to cry for a period of time without any intervention from you. The idea behind this method is that it teaches children to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own. While this approach can be effective for some families, it is not suitable for every child, and it is essential to consider your child’s individual needs and temperament before deciding to use this method.

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Benefits of the Cry It Out Method

The cry it out method can be beneficial for some families, as it can help children learn to fall asleep independently and establish healthy sleep habits. This approach can also help parents establish a consistent bedtime routine and set clear boundaries around sleep. By allowing your child to cry it out in a supportive environment, you are teaching them valuable skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Drawbacks of the Cry It Out Method

While the cry it out method can be effective for some families, it is not suitable for every child. It is essential to consider your child’s individual needs and temperament before deciding to use this approach. Some children may become more distressed when left to cry on their own, which can lead to increased anxiety and sleep disturbances. Additionally, the cry it out method may not address the underlying reasons why your child is crying, such as hunger, discomfort, or separation anxiety.

Factors to Consider When Allowing Your 1-year-old to Cry It Out

When deciding how long to let your 1-year-old cry it out, there are several factors to consider. It is crucial to take into account your child’s age, temperament, and individual needs when determining the appropriate length of time to allow them to cry. Additionally, consider your own comfort level with the cry it out method and be prepared to adjust your approach based on your child’s response.

Your Child’s Age

The age of your child can play a significant role in determining how long you can let them cry it out. Younger children, such as 1-year-olds, may have a more challenging time self-soothing and may require more support from you. It is essential to consider your child’s developmental stage and be patient as they learn to fall asleep independently.

Your Child’s Temperament

Every child is unique, and some children may be more sensitive or prone to anxiety than others. If you notice that your child becomes increasingly distressed when left to cry on their own, it may be a sign that the cry it out method is not the best approach for them. Consider your child’s temperament when deciding how long to let them cry it out and be prepared to adjust your strategy as needed.

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Your Comfort Level

As a parent, it is essential to consider your own comfort level with the cry it out method. If you find it challenging to listen to your child cry for an extended period, this approach may not be suitable for your family. It is crucial to take care of yourself and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being when deciding how long to let your child cry it out.

How Long Can I Let My 1-year-old Cry It Out?

When determining how long you can let your 1-year-old cry it out, it is essential to start with short intervals and gradually increase the length of time based on your child’s response. Begin by setting a timer for a few minutes and check on your child at regular intervals to ensure they are safe and unharmed. If your child continues to cry after the designated time, consider adjusting your approach and providing comfort as needed.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Before starting the cry it out method, it is essential to establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your child relax and prepare for sleep. A bedtime routine can include activities such as reading a story, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music. By creating a predictable routine, you can signal to your child that it is time for sleep and help them feel secure and comfortable.

Set Clear Boundaries

When using the cry it out method, it is crucial to set clear boundaries around sleep and be consistent in your approach. Communicate to your child that it is time for bed and that they are safe and secure in their sleep environment. By setting clear boundaries, you can help your child understand what is expected of them and establish healthy sleep habits.

Be Patient and Supportive

It can be challenging to listen to your child cry, especially when they are feeling distressed. Remember that the cry it out method is not about ignoring your child’s needs but about teaching them valuable skills that will benefit them in the long run. Be patient and supportive as your child learns to self-soothe and fall asleep independently, and provide comfort and reassurance as needed.

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Adjusting Your Approach Based on Your Child’s Response

As you begin to implement the cry it out method with your 1-year-old, it is essential to pay attention to your child’s response and be prepared to adjust your approach as needed. If you notice that your child is becoming increasingly distressed or is not responding well to the cry it out method, consider trying a different approach, such as gentle sleep training or co-sleeping. It is crucial to prioritize your child’s well-being and adjust your strategy to meet their individual needs.

Signs That Your Child Is Ready to Self-Soothe

When using the cry it out method with your 1-year-old, it is essential to look for signs that your child is ready to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. These signs can include calming down after a period of crying, self-soothing by sucking on their thumb or a pacifier, and falling asleep without assistance. If you notice these signs, it may be an indication that your child is developing the skills they need to sleep on their own.

Signs That Your Child Needs Comfort

While the cry it out method can be effective for some families, it is essential to recognize when your child needs comfort and support. If you notice that your child is becoming increasingly distressed or is not responding well to the cry it out method, it may be a sign that they need additional comfort and reassurance. Trust your instincts as a parent and provide comfort to your child as needed to ensure they feel safe and secure.


Deciding how long to let your 1-year-old cry it out can be a challenging decision for parents. It is crucial to consider your child’s age, temperament, and individual needs when determining the appropriate length of time to allow them to cry. By establishing a consistent bedtime routine, setting clear boundaries, and being patient and supportive, you can help your child develop healthy sleep habits and self-soothing skills. Remember to adjust your approach based on your child’s response and prioritize their well-being and comfort throughout the process.