Do Pediatricians Recommend Sleep Training?

If you’re a parent searching for the best way to help your little one sleep soundly through the night, you’ve probably come across the term “sleep training.” But here’s the question many parents ask themselves: do pediatricians recommend it? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll unveil the truth behind the opinions of these medical experts when it comes to sleep training methods for infants and young children. So, sit back, relax, and let’s shed some light on this highly debated topic. You might be surprised by what you learn!

What is Sleep Training?


Sleep training refers to the process of helping infants and young children learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep independently. It involves establishing healthy sleep habits and routines to promote optimal sleep patterns.


There are various methods of sleep training that parents can follow, depending on their preferences and the needs of their child. These methods can range from gentle, gradual approaches to more structured techniques. Common methods include the Ferber method, the extinction method, and the fading method.


The primary goal of sleep training is to promote healthy and consistent sleep habits for children. By teaching them how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently, sleep training can help children develop a positive association with sleep and reduce the frequency of night wakings. Ultimately, the aim is to enhance the overall sleep quality for both the child and the parents.

Benefits of Sleep Training

Improved Sleep Patterns

One of the most significant benefits of sleep training is the improvement in sleep patterns for both infants and young children. By establishing a consistent bedtime routine and teaching children to self-soothe, they are more likely to fall asleep quickly and experience longer periods of uninterrupted sleep. This not only benefits the child’s overall health but also allows parents to enjoy more restful nights.

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Reduced Night Wakings

Sleep training can significantly reduce the frequency of night wakings for infants and young children. When children learn to fall asleep independently, they are more likely to self-settle if they wake up during the night. This means that parents don’t have to intervene each time the child wakes up, enabling everyone in the family to get better quality sleep.

Decreased Sleep Anxiety

For children who struggle with sleep anxiety, sleep training can be incredibly beneficial. By providing a consistent sleep environment and teaching children how to self-soothe, sleep training can alleviate anxiety and help children feel more secure and relaxed at bedtime.

Criticism against Sleep Training

Possible Emotional Toll

One of the main criticisms against sleep training is the potential emotional toll it may have on infants and young children. Some argue that methods involving prolonged crying, such as the extinction method, can lead to feelings of abandonment and distress for the child. It is essential for parents to consider their child’s temperament and emotional well-being when deciding on a sleep training method.

Controversial Methods

Certain sleep training methods, such as the Ferber method, have sparked controversy and debate among experts and parents. These methods involve a progressive waiting period before intervening when the child cries. Some argue that this approach may cause unnecessary stress for the child, while others believe that it teaches self-soothing skills effectively. It is crucial for parents to research and consider the different methods to find the approach that aligns with their values and parenting style.

Inconsistent Results

Another criticism of sleep training is that the results can be inconsistent. While many families experience positive outcomes from sleep training, some children may not respond as expected or may experience setbacks along the way. It is essential for parents to be prepared for potential challenges and adjust their approach accordingly.

Views of Pediatricians on Sleep Training

Varied Recommendations

Pediatricians’ views on sleep training can vary widely. Some pediatricians recommend sleep training as a helpful tool for establishing healthy sleep habits, while others may advocate for a more flexible approach based on individual circumstances. It is important for parents to consult with their child’s pediatrician to receive personalized guidance and support.

Considerations for Individual Children

Pediatricians take into account various factors when making recommendations about sleep training. These factors include the child’s age, development, and overall health. Additionally, pediatricians assess the child’s sleep patterns and any existing sleep issues to determine the most appropriate approach for sleep training.

Focus on Safety and Well-being

Regardless of their individual recommendations, pediatricians prioritize the safety and well-being of children when discussing sleep training. They emphasize the importance of creating a safe sleep environment, following safe sleep practices, and ensuring that the chosen sleep training method is suitable for the child’s emotional and physical needs.

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Factors to Consider

Age of the Child

The age of the child is a crucial factor to consider when deciding on sleep training. While some methods may be suitable for infants as young as a few months old, others may be more appropriate for older babies and toddlers. It is important to choose a sleep training method that aligns with the child’s developmental stage.

Health or Developmental Issues

Children with specific health or developmental issues may require a modified approach to sleep training. It is essential for parents to consult with their pediatrician to address any concerns and determine the most appropriate sleep training method for their child’s unique needs.

Parental Comfort Level

Parents’ comfort level with sleep training is also an important factor to consider. If a method feels too harsh or goes against the parent’s instincts, it may not be the right choice for their family. It is crucial for parents to choose a sleep training method that aligns with their values and makes them feel confident in their decision.

Alternative Approaches to Sleep Training

Gradual Parental Withdrawal

One alternative approach to sleep training is gradual parental withdrawal. This method involves gradually reducing parental presence and assistance during bedtime routine and night wakings. It aims to teach children to self-soothe gradually, allowing parents to be present and responsive while still encouraging independence.


Co-sleeping is another alternative approach to sleep training. This method involves the child sleeping in close proximity to the parents. Co-sleeping can provide comfort and reassurance to the child, making them feel secure and supported during sleep. However, it is important to follow safe co-sleeping practices to minimize the risk of accidental suffocation or other hazards.

Attachment Parenting

Attachment parenting emphasizes the importance of forming a strong emotional bond between parent and child. This approach encourages parents to respond promptly and sensitively to their child’s needs, including their sleep needs. Attachment parenting may involve practices such as bed-sharing and immediate response to night wakings.

Research and Studies

Effectiveness of Sleep Training

Numerous studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of sleep training methods. While research indicates that sleep training can be effective in improving sleep quality and reducing night wakings, it is important to note that individual results may vary. Parents should consider the available research and consult with their healthcare provider to make an informed decision.

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Long-term Impact on Child’s Development

Research on the long-term impact of sleep training on a child’s development is still ongoing. Some studies suggest that sleep training does not have any negative effects on children’s emotional well-being or attachment to their parents. However, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term implications.

Parental Satisfaction

Research has shown that many parents report high levels of satisfaction with sleep training. They often find that it improves their child’s sleep patterns, reduces night wakings, and gives the whole family a better quality of life. However, it is important to note that parental satisfaction can vary depending on the chosen sleep training method and the individual needs of the child.

Guidelines and Recommendations

American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) acknowledges that sleep training can be effective in promoting healthy sleep habits for infants and young children. However, the AAP advises parents to choose a method that aligns with their values and parenting style. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the child’s safety and emotional well-being during sleep training.

Pediatric Sleep Experts

Pediatric sleep experts can provide valuable guidance and support for parents considering sleep training. These professionals specialize in pediatric sleep and can offer personalized recommendations based on the child’s specific needs. Parents can seek out pediatric sleep consultants or attend sleep workshops for additional resources.

International Sleep Associations

International sleep associations, such as the National Sleep Foundation, also provide guidelines and recommendations for sleep training. These organizations offer evidence-based information and resources that can help parents make informed decisions about their child’s sleep.

Balancing Expert Advice with Parental Instincts

Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to sleep training, it is essential for parents to trust their instincts and make decisions that feel right for their family. Every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Parents should consider their child’s individual needs and temperament and choose a sleep training method that aligns with their instincts.

Seek Professional Guidance

While parental instincts are valuable, it is also important to seek professional guidance when considering sleep training. Consulting with the child’s pediatrician or a pediatric sleep expert can provide valuable insights and support in making informed decisions about sleep training.

Evaluate Your Child’s Unique Circumstances

Each child’s circumstances are unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. It is crucial for parents to evaluate their child’s specific needs, developmental stage, and any existing health or developmental issues when deciding on a sleep training method. Tailoring the approach to the child’s circumstances can lead to more successful outcomes.


Sleep training is a personal decision that should be based on the individual needs and circumstances of the child and family. While sleep training can have numerous benefits, there are also criticisms and alternative approaches to consider. It is important for parents to research and consider the available options, consult with healthcare providers, and trust their instincts to make informed choices about sleep training. Open communication with pediatricians and other sleep experts can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the sleep training journey. Ultimately, the goal is to promote healthy sleep patterns, improve the overall well-being of the child and the family, and ensure everyone gets the restorative sleep they need.